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    US condition for lifting sanctions against 4 shipping companies

    05 Oct 2020

    The United States has repeatedly warned over the past year that companies and ships that help export Venezuelan oil will be subject to sanctions.
    The US Treasury Department lifted sanctions against several Greek-linked shipping companies and several tankers on condition that oil trade with Venezuela be suspended.

    The US Treasury Department lifted sanctions on July 2 against several Greek-linked shipping companies and several tankers, according to the Global Cafe . The decision came after the companies promised to end trade with Venezuela.

    The lifting of sanctions is related to: Bahamas Adamant Meritime Shipping Company and  Sea Hiro tanker with flag, Delos Voyager and its tanker with Panama flag, Romina Meritime Company and  Eurofors tanker with Liberian flag, and finally Sunibell Shipterid 1 and Marshall Islands Flag.

    The Greek Shipping Companies Association pledged to suspend trade with Venezuela in mid-June. Greek-owned tankers were sanctioned for facilitating Venezuelan oil exports. The group has vowed to suspend trade with the South American country as long as the Maduro regime is in power.

    The United States has repeatedly warned over the past year that companies and ships that help export Venezuelan oil and raise funds for the Maduro regime will be sanctioned. The United States considers the Maduro regime illegal.

    The United States had previously imposed sanctions on the Venezuelan state oil company in January 2019, blocking US imports of Venezuelan oil and exports of diluents to Venezuela.

    Venezuela's oil production in May fell by 70,000 barrels per day compared to April, reaching 550,000 barrels per day.

    Due to US sanctions, Rosneft cuts off cooperation with Venezuela and the lack of demand for cheap oil due to falling oil prices, Venezuelan oil supply to world markets is expected to reach only 300,000 barrels per day by the end of 2021.

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